Start / Homeless in the street
07/11/2018.- It is estimated that some 1.6 billion people live in inadequate housing and nearly 900 million do so in informal settlements in both low-income and higher-income countries, not including those who live on the streets.
Some 15 million people are forced to leave their homes every year. More and more young people are at risk of homelessness.
The life expectancy of the homeless is 42 to 52 years, about 30 years less than the general population. (UN 2018).
2018.- According to the 'Third Report on Residential Exclusion in Europe'
prepared by FEANTSA and the Abbé Pierre Foundation, 11 million Europeans lack
adequate accommodation and live on the street, in social resources or housed in
third-party homes.
11/24/2020.- There has been a 70% increase in the number of homeless people in the EU in the last 10 years.
01/13/2022.- The European Commission estimates that around 800,000 EU citizens are homeless, living on the streets, in temporary shelters or with family and friends.
2021.- In Spain there are about 40,000 homeless people (data from diocesan Caritas), but the number of places to stay overnight in shelters and reception places only reaches half.
40 - 50% are Spanish and the rest are foreigners.
10/19/2022.- Homeless people rise 24.5% in 10 years in Spain, to almost 30,000: migrants, unemployed and evicted.
12/23/2021.- 230,000 households in Great Britain are becoming homeless this Christmas and will spend the holidays sleeping outdoors, in cars or sheds or trapped in unsafe accommodation.
12/09/2021.- More than 274,000 people are homeless in England right now, including 126,000 children
A total of 976 deaths
were recorded in 2020, compared to 710 deaths recorded in the 2019 study.
More than 70,000 households across the UK have been made homeless since the start of the pandemic.
08/12/2021.- The latest estimates from the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe eV are from 2018. At that time, BAG W (Federal Association for Aid to the Homeless) estimated the number of homeless people at 680,000. Two thirds of homeless people have German citizenship.
12/10/2022.- There are more than 260,000 homeless people in Germany, according to government statistics.
In January 2022, approximately 178,000 people became homeless in Germany and were accommodated in temporary overnight accommodation facilities, emergency shelters or group housing.
05/11/2020.- According to the Abbé Pierre Foundation, France has almost 300,000 homeless people, there are currently 145,000 emergency accommodation places open all year. 535 homeless people died on the streets in 2020.
For the French, life expectancy is 82 years, but not for the homeless who die on average at 49 years of age.
38% of homeless people are women.
It is estimated that there are 4 million people living forcibly in the home of a third party, or in places where they cannot pay the rent, or places without amenities.
06/01/2023.- There are about 100,000 homeless people in Italy, in 2021, according to ISTAT revelations, 38% are foreigners.
09/01/2023.- 387 homeless people died in Italy during 2022, almost all men, two thirds foreigners and with an average age of 49 years.
07/14/2021.- There are no exact statistics on the total number of homeless people in Russia, current estimates range from 4.5 million (according to old data) to more than 20 million people.
02/22/2020.- In the city of Omsk, in the heart of Siberia, the temperature can reach 30 degrees below zero in winter. In this Russian city of more than a million inhabitants there are officially 3,500 homeless people (although the number is probably higher) who risk freezing to death in its streets during the harshest months of the year. They survive by sleeping next to the pipes of the heating system.
03/19/2021.- In 2020 approximately 580,000 people were homeless, indicates the report from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 61% of homeless people were staying in sheltered places, emergency shelters or transitional housing programs, while 39% were in places without shelter, such as on the street, in abandoned buildings or in other unprotected places unfit for human habitation.
03/23/2023.- Every year approximately 13,000 homeless people die in the United States. The average life expectancy of a homeless person is only 50 years. 39.8% of homeless people are African American. 61% of homeless people are men and boys.
07/12/2021.- More than 60 million people live in inadequate housing, built with precarious materials and lack basic services. It is estimated that the housing deficit affects 100 million people, according to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), in its study "A space for development: housing markets in Latin America and the Caribbean."
07/05/2022.- In the last decade, the number of Brazilians who have been forced to live on the street grew by 139%. In 2012, the tropical country had 92,550 homeless people; in 2020 there were already 222,000. With 12 million inhabitants, São Paulo is the city that registers the most homeless people, there are at least 66,000, according to the NGO Movimento Estadual da População em Situação de Rua.
12/16/2019.- There are 15 million homeless people in Mexico, according to ECLAC. In Mexico City alone, more than 7,000 people have been detected living on the street. If someone does not have rights in this country, it is the homeless human groups, simply because they do not have housing or identity documents, they are left out of any public policy aimed at the most vulnerable populations.
1,428,627,700 inhab. (2023 estimate)
01/31/2021.- India Census 2011 defines "homeless household" as "households not living in census buildings or houses but living outdoors on roads, sidewalks, under overpasses and stairs, or outdoors in places of worship, mandaps, railway platforms etc. Approximately 4 million people in India are homeless.
04/12/2021 .- An estimated 18 million children live on the streets in India.
BANGLADESH 172,954,320 inhabitants (2023 estimate)
07/30/2020.- Bangladesh, home to more than 160 million people, five million live without housing and 124 million live in mud houses and slums.
06/18/2019.- According to the projects of the Institute of Development Studies of Bangladesh (BIDS), the number of street children was 1.5 million in 2015 and will reach 1.56 million in 2024.
PHILIPPINES 117,337,370 inhabitants (2023 estimate)
07/02/2020.- There are approximately 4.5 million homeless people, including children, in the Philippines, which has a population of 106 million people. Homelessness in the Philippines is caused by a variety of reasons, including job loss, insufficient income or lack of a stable job, domestic violence, and loss of home due to a natural disaster.
IRAN 89,172,770
inhab. (2023 estimate) 06/01/2022.-
Tehran had around 130,000 homeless people last year, while shelters could only accommodate around 3,000. Rent inflation in Tehran forces homeless workers to sleep on buses.
10/25/2020.- Last year we had around 490,000 people housed in Tehran shelters, and the number is expected to increase to 700,000 people in the current year.
PAKISTAN 240,485,660 inhab. (2023 estimate)
12/2021.- It is estimated that there are around 20 million homeless people in Pakistan. That's about 9% of the total population. Most live in temporary accommodation, shelters, slums or on the streets.
Note.- The purpose of this article is to publicly denounce the abuses and inhumane treatment that these sectors of the population have without profit. If any of the named sources of information do not wish to be included in this information, please let us know by sending an email to Contact.